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Liquid Technology Blog

Technology is rapidly changing the way we use data. As data security concerns grow states are revising the law to adjust to the changes. In this infographic, we breakdown the current data security laws by each state.

In March, Capital One faced a major data breach. A hacker gained access to over 100 million customers’ credit card applications and accounts. The breach exposed 140,000 Social Security numbers, 1 million Canadian Social Insurance numbers, and 80,000 bank numbers. The hacker also was able to access names, addresses, credit scores, credit limits, balances, and other information. Capital One may pay $100 million and $150 million in costs related to the breach. The alleged perpetrator was identified as Paige Thompson. Reportedly, Thompson tried to share the information online. Previously, Thompson […]

Our team surveyed clients about the impact tariffs may have on the IT industry. In our infographic, we highlight some of our key findings.

Recently, we surveyed our clients to see if the IT industry is being impacted by the upcoming tariffs. Survey topics included the impact tariffs could have on IT spend, hardware, and more. You can see the survey results below. Have you heard from any of your IT hardware vendors in regards to how tariffs may impact your future IT spending plans? Which brand are you concerned might raise prices due to tariffs? Have you sped up any IT purchasing as a result of tariff threats? Have you considered any new […]

Last week, Arrow Electronics announced it would shut down its ITAD sector. By August 5th the company plans to stop receiving equipment at their facilities. The news came as a surprise to both their clients and staff. In response to the sudden closure, our team released a special podcast with Liquid Technology’s Managing Partner, Richard Greene. Steve Sidwell, Liquid Technology’s SVP of Technology & Compliance, hosted the episode. During the interview, Greene addressed some of the Arrow’s claims about the industry, explained how to find a new ITAD vendor and […]