Computer recycling, and e-waste in general, has become a hot topic of debate in recent years. In fact, the problem of improper e-waste recycling has become such a high profile issue that in 2012, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Electronic Equipment Reuse and Recycling Act (EERRA) was put into action in order to help ensure that computers and other types of e-waste stayed out of landfills and were recycled properly. E-waste is the fastest-growing municipal waste stream in America, but, despite the increased media coverage and government […]
On June 22, 2011, the Responsible Electronics Recycling Act (RERA) was introduced to Congress, but as of this writing, it has yet to be enacted. Liquid Technology is a supporter of this Act because it targets a number of issues that currently remain unaddressed in the electronics recycling industry. With more than 3.1 million tons of e-waste being produced in the United States alone on a yearly basis, electronic waste is the fastest-growing waste stream in the country, yet only about 12% of this waste is recycled. What makes matters […]
Today is Earth Day, so naturally, we think there’s no better time than now to shed a light on the environmental impact of cloud computing. In recent years, cloud computing has become one of the industry’s hottest buzz words and for good reason. Cloud-based computing offers one of the most effective ways that companies can reduce overhead, improve efficiency, and reduce costs all while taking a more environmentally-friendly approach to doing business. Cloud computing eliminates a business’s need for costly networking equipment and the space in which to hold all […]
It has been just over a year since the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Electronic Equipment Reuse and Recycling Act (EERRA) went into full effect. And starting on January 1, 2015, it will actually be illegal for New York residents to throw personal electronics like televisions, stereos, cell phones, computers, and other devices into the regular trash. So, we thought it important to review the New York State e-waste laws so our readers can better understand what’s expected of them and how they can comply with these new […]
Whenever a business goes through a transitional period, be it a merger, a relocation, or an IT infrastructure upgrade, it can often be left with an excess of used servers and other hardware that no longer hold any operational value to the company. But, just because the servers are no longer being used in the day-to-day business operations doesn’t mean that they don’t still hold some financial value. Businesses can sell used servers to a company like Liquid Technology for a return on their investment, and here’s how to do […]