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Certified Data Destruction | Server Virtualization


Certified Data Destruction / Server Virtualization

Problem: A Financial Services Company recently completed a large-scale Server Virtualization Project which resulted in dozens of unused servers and associated technology taking up valuable rack and floor space in its data center. The Company was faced with many challenges in regards to the excess equipment and the sensitive data it contained, including:

  • It had no time or manpower to handle the data destruction in-house
  • It wanted to work with a company capable of providing fully documented certified data destruction services with auditable results
  • It wanted to maintain the integrity of the equipment to maximize their ROI
  • It wanted the equipment removed quickly and without interference to its operations

Solution: Liquid Technology is a leading provider of certified data destruction services. Liquid Technology’s Liquidation Specialists proposed an expedited on-site evaluation to determine the value of the excess equipment and provided the client with a detailed and organized logistics plan. It was the goal of Liquid Technology to effectively wipe all data from the hard drives to protect the client and recover any assets suitable for re-use to maximize their return while disposing of de-valued equipment in an environmentally responsible manner.

Results: Liquid Technology removed all of the Company’s excess IT assets in a quick and efficient manner. The hard drives then underwent a state-of-the-art data wiping sequence which strictly adheres to the DOD 5220.22M guideline. Liquid Technology’s proprietary software electronically recorded the entire process to a database and upon completion the client was delivered an auditable PDF report of the entire data destruction process. As per LT’s certified data destruction standards, a Digital Data Destruction Certificate was generated for each wiped unit. In addition, Liquid Technology was able to preserve the operational value of the servers, laptops and PCs by leaving the systems “intact” which after brokerage provided the client with a $20,000 net return on their investment after the cost of Liquid Technology’s services.


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As one of the industry’s leading IT asset disposition service providers, Liquid Technology provides a suite of effective impartial solutions. Discover what to look for in a quality e-waste recycler.